Object of Beauty Visualization
Mindfulness practices are powerful tools to help us stay present. Free from the pain of the past or the worry and stress of the future. Bringing mindfulness into your life before or during pregnancy can have immense benefits. There are studies showing that meditation can reduce stress, boost immunity, improve relationships and how we perceive or deal with pain. It is also lovely to bring into parenthood. Having an established mindfulness practice can ease some of of the stress of postpartum and the ups and downs of raising children.
Beauty in the Chaos
I've written before about the importance of unplugging and grounding. That has been a lifesaver for me in certain moments. Other times I have found peace by allowing myself to feel my feelings, honor them, but not dwelling. Finding something to do that changes my demeanor. A walk, good music, or a happy podcast.
Yes, it is okay to feel afraid, it is okay to worry about the future. The key is to uplift out of it and not let it consume your thoughts.
Tools to Stay Present
Of course, you know I am going to say oils. Harmony, Joy, Awaken, White Angelica, and Valor are great support. You could probably pick up any oil you have sitting around, apply it, and feel calmer, or happier.
And by the way, being calm is super for your immune system. I won't get into the biology of it-- but you heal easier and can handle so much more when your nervous system is relaxed.
Breathing- There are many ways to center yourself with your breath. Did you know that every thought is linked to a breath? So, if your thoughts are running rampant, your breath is probably rapid and shallow. Stress can also cause us to hold our breath. So taking deep belly breaths and then exhaling through your mouth is a great way to relax your nervous system, I love the Insight Timer app, it carries a lot of free guided meditations and breathwork techniques and it has a lovely meditation timer.
Visualization- I have been very intentional about making sure to sit down for 3-5 minutes, twice a day. It doesn't sound like much but it's what I can fit in with 3 kids and their needs.
How often do you sit and try to relax only to have to deal with the jumbled mess in your brain? Thoughts bounce back and forth. Did I switch that last load of laundry? What are we going to have for dinner? Let's go outside this evening. And on and on (and this was just a glimpse into my head, lol.)
We are bombarded with information. We get overwhelmed. Overloaded. What does an overwhelmed mind do? Nothing. We get paralyzed.
One of the best tools I've found to help find and sustain calm and centeredness is to practice an "object of beauty" visualization.
A Simple Practice
The object of beauty visualization is something you can do in just 3-5 min per day. I sit with my timer during the kids’ afternoon quiet time, and sometimes I'll do it again before bed.
What is something that is beautiful to you? A tree? A view you experienced once on a vacation? A mountain path?
Take a moment, sit down, take a slow inhale, and start visualizing the image. See it in detail. The outline of the trees, sounds of the birds chirping, or water rushing. Whatever your image is, bring it to all of your senses. See it, hear it, touch it, taste it, and smell it.
If your mind wanders about the worries of the world or your grocery list just gently bring it back to the image you are visualizing. Don't judge yourself or feel agitated that the mind wanders. Be gentle with yourself.
The feeling you get as you visualize your object of beauty permeates through your stresses and helps make unpleasantries easier to manage. Take 3 minutes out of your days this week and sit with your object of beauty. What do you have to lose?