A little about me! About 20 years ago, my journey into natural health support began. During my first pregnancy, I became interested and passionate about birth, postpartum, and natural health modalities. After the birth of my first child, I decided to transition from my day job and pursue yoga teaching and aromatherapy. My practice and teaching focused on trauma release and prenatal and postpartum yoga.
After the birth of my second child, and I attended a DONA doula training. The day I attended my first birth as a doula I knew supporting birthing people was going to be a great addition to my services. As a birth doula, I provide emotional and physical support, guidance, and evidence-based information so you are empowered physically, mentally, and spiritually to have a relaxed and connected birth experience. My training and practice in yoga, meditation, and aromatherapy give me an understanding of anatomy and comfort measures to work with your body to promote deep relaxation.
As a Certified Lactation Counselor (CLC), I received training in lactation support and am certified to assess the latching and feeding process, provide corrective interventions, counsel parents, understand and apply knowledge of milk production, and other commonly encountered situations. As a CLC, I help parents meet their goals, whether through exclusive nursing, pumping, or a combination. In more complicated cases, I will refer to an Internationally Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC) who has training and expertise above and beyond a CLC. I enjoy working with new parents as they find their groove in their new or expanding role. I nurture the new mother, demonstrate infant massage and “baby-wearing” and support parents struggling with the postpartum transition.
What’s next? Children do not come with an owner’s manual! I can also help you facilitate a peaceful, more connected home life. Life is chaotic with children, and I can help you manage the chaos, find simplicity, and build a solid foundation to support your family as your children rapidly grow and change.
I am the proud mother of 3 and live with my family in Lisbon Falls, ME. I regularly pursue continuing education opportunities and am deepening my knowledge.
ProDoula Certified Labor Doula
DONA Trained Birth Doula
Certified Lactation Counselor
Yoga Alliance Registered Yoga Instructor RYT-500, Prenatal & Postnatal Yoga
Comforting Touch for Doulas
Simplicity Parenting Certified Family Life Guide
Simplicity Parenting Certified Discipline & Guidance Guide
Red Cross BLS Certified